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About Hermione's future (2007): "There's this theory that she's going to die and I really didn't have that in my plans for what she would achieve (the audience laughs). I want to see her putting her intellect and her naturally very caring nature to some very worthy cause, like I want to see her in another country protesting for the rights of house-elves, or continuing with SPEW, or just generally making the world a better place and hopefully, you know, being married to Ron and have lots of beautiful babies..."

Happy Birthday Emma

Happy Birthday Emma from your fans at

Emma on Feminism

Emma on Fear

People are not their art

Emma on Gender Issues

Emma on Aging

A Birthday Countdown

March Calendar

Our March calendar by Elena.


February Calendar

Our February calendar by Elena.


Happy New Year!


Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2022!




Our January calendar by Elena.